"Little Dutch Portraits"

Unique child portrait painting concepts.

Have your or anothers child portrayed in a special way. Check out the possibilities at my website or email me for more information. studioateliervanalles@gmail.com

This is for art lovers with kids or other special kids in their life! If that's you then you might be interested to have a child portrayed in a very unique artistic way by a Dutch artist slash designer like Eva Anna.

For those art lover parents atelier VanAlles presents 4 different child portrait concepts to choose from. Four different artistic ideas to create a unique artwork of their child. Created by Eva Anna Hekking. Read below how it works.

1. Close Up Freestyle Kids Portrait. The artist chooses all the colours, possible graphics and final visualization. 

2. Arty Kid Portrait. The child can join the art creating process.

3. Kids Play Identity Portrait. personalized painted child's portrait.

4. Natural Paradise kids portrait. A child portrayed a their favorite natural environment.


Child portrait concept 1: Close-up portrait with freestyle shapes.

A close up portrait of a child from head to shoulders. The painter freestyles the background with colours and graphic shapes to create as awsome final visualization. Together with the artist we choose the best image and position from digital phone snapshots. The final result will be a surprise...


Oil and acrylic on canvas finished with gold on a big 90x90 cm canvas

Child portrait concept 2: Arty Kids Portrait.

A Kids Art Portrait. Your child will be part of the creative process of the background artwork. Then a kid is allowed to paint the backdrop themselves in my atelier (or at home) with a few selected colors of acryl/kids paint. In this way it is a creative collaboration between your child and the artist. The final results will be a spontaneous surprise! 

See below a first example. Here I portayed my son. with oil paint But first I let him paint the background canvas himself with kids and acrylic paint.  This is preview is 25x25 cm = €400 including wooden frame. 

Child portrait concept 3: 

Kids Play Identity Portrait.

A time image of a child at play. A personalized work of art that captures a time image of the play identity of a child in a certain stage of life. The child is dressed in her/his favroite playsuit surrounded by its favorite toys. All of this painted with oil and acrylic on canvas. This layout is created by asking several questions about the child favorites. Such as; ' What is your child favorite color, toy, candy, playsuit, piece of garment etc. We finallymake a selection to create a final graphical layout for the painting. Soon previews will be presented here.

Child portrait concept 4: Natural Paradise Kids portrait.

That dream vacation experience visualized on a canvas with the child in full body painted in a paradise natural setting of your choice. Surrounded by animals, flowers and plants observed during this special journey. A very special trip to capture forever.

The artist will create a photoshop collage as a digital preview of the final layout of the painting. A digital collage of the chosen landscape with the child in motion at the center surrounded by natural details of plants, flowers, small animals and insects. See below such a preview collage. Soon real painting previews will be presented here.

Hopefully the various options are clear. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please email studioateliervanalles@gmail.com