Throne Chair Design

Graduation project 2004 - The Design Academy Eindhoven

A throne design for Queen Beatrix in honor of her 25 years of queenhood. This throne design entered a design competition for the queen. The 25 winning thrones were displayed in various places throughout the Netherlands.

Eva Anna's throne was simple in shape design, but covered with a laser-cut lace pattern from wood. Eva Anna was inspired by the royal coat of arms and used elements from it to design a graphic pattern. Such as the lion, lions, pearls, crowns and other elements.

He also made a graphical portrait of the queen which was placed on the side of the chair, which also had orange light in it.


This throne design was one of the four projects Eva Anna got her cum laude degree with.

For more interest in product design, please go here.

Production proces and testing pattern with lasercut technique.

The throne was also exhibited at a design presentation at Mexx.