Portfolio:  Accessory Design

Fake Fur Bags collection 2009

This collection was a positive protest against the fur use in the fashion industry. The plexiglass lasercut bag handles functioned as protest sign, which was saying " I love Fake Fur". Bags meant for real luxurious fashionista's to make them aware of the terrible fur industry and the terrible animal abuse behind it, in a positive way. The bags were a big hit and were sold at several high-end fashion boutiques at the P.C Hooftstraat Amsterdam. And were seen in fashion magazines. The designs were even copied by an Italian brand, which was a great compliment for a young designer...

These bags were made of fake fur only, exclusive from Paris. The touch was incredible soft and felt like real fur. Nowadays fake fur has such high quality we no longer need to kill animals for it. These statement bags spread a positive protest against fur. It made fashionista's proud to wear a designer bag with an intelligent message. Mission accomplished by the designer.

The collection was presented at Amsterdam Fashion Week.