Window Styling WonderWood

For Gallery Store WonderWood Amsterdam

For more than 5 years, Eva Anna took care of the styling of the store windows. She thought up seasonal themes, which she also consistantly translated into self-made window stickers or drawings on the window. It gave the shop windows with mostly neutral design furniture and objects a striking creative look. Which stood out for the many daily passers-by.

By adjusting the interior layout inside the store, she also created space for larger display windows that were not in use before. She also designed new logos and golden window stickers to improve communication towards the shopping public.The result were shop windows that aroused curiosity and enticed customers to enter the store. Below a selection of several window styling projects.

For more interest in window styling please go here.

Summer Window Stickers

Arty Spring Windows

Fall Window Styling:

Drawing on windows:

Spring Window Styling:

Random Window Product Styling:

Valentine window Stickers: