Creative Advise 3 Days


Creative Advise 3 days

€2,210.00 €1,900.00

Creative Advise 3 days

€2,210.00 €1,900.00
  • These days can be spread within 2 weeks.
  • You need to work with the ONLINE program ZOOM and MIRO.

During these 24 hours session spread over three days, you will not only be supported in the creative concept design process, but also will learn how to prototype and test your ideas on real customers.

First the creative advisor questions your problem issues on a deeper level. After you have briefly indicated who you are, what your company does or what your product is about. Together with the creative advisor you will define the right question or problem definition that needs to be solved. In this session the advisor will indicate what are the best next steps to initiate the creative process. To stimulate and initiate the creative thinking process, the advisor will offer several brainstorm sessions. You or your team will learn more about brainstorm techniques. After the brainstorm many new ideas will come out. By several sprint design exercises we will define which ideas must be further worked out into a concept. Together with your team you work out the final concept in sketches. Next day before you will decide on your final concept you will do a trend research session together with your advisor and get more information about your target group. If the final concept is choosen, also the final design plan can be put together. After these three days you have a clear creative plan and goal. Also you learnt more about your customer and which points need improvement. And how you could present your product to your customer. You have new insights or a clear vision of your creative concept. You will feel more confidant on decision making and your creative direction within a few days.


  1. INTRO: You have briefly indicated who you are, what your company does or what your product is about.
  2. QUESTION: Together with the creative advisor you will define the right question or problem definition that needs to be solved. In this session the advisor will indicate what are the best next steps to initiate the creative process.
  3. BRAINSTORM: To stimulate and initiate the creative thinking process, the advisor will offer several brainstorm sessions. You or your team will learn more about brainstorm techniques. After the brainstorm many new ideas will come out.
  4. GOALS: Kick off of your design proces, final goals are set and you feel confident about what needs to be done next.
  5. CONCEPT: After this fruitful day you have choosen the final idea to be worked out into a creative concept.
  6. SKETCHING: Together with your team or creative advisor the design sketching phase will be kicked off.


  1. TREND RESEARCH: This morning will start with an energising trend research session. Everyone will do some trend research by themselves. The creative advisor has prepared a short customized trend presentation. From colour, material towards other product trends that could influence the final concept. This trend full session will give you more new insights of the market and will give you more confidence in choosing the right choices.
  2. TARGET GROUP: The creative advisor learns you or your team how to get to know more about your target group and which points should need more attention. This can be done by customer journey mapping. 
  3. FINAL CONCEPT : All collected information and creative input can be put together, from ideas towards sketches, goals, trend info, etc. It will result into a conclusion how to decide on the final concept. Together with the creative advisor or team the final concept is worked out.
  4. DESIGN PLAN: Together with the creative advisor will be decided which are the next steps to work out the final concept. For example which external third parties are needed to execute the design or concept. For example to put together a team.
  5. PROTOTYPING: The creative advisor will learn you or your team several prototyping techniques how you can test your idea with some real users.  



  1. TESTING: This morning you or your team will have prepared protoypes and a few real customers who join a 'prototype testing' session. Together with the advisor you decide on what's the best option for testing. 
  2. CONCLUSION: Once again all info will be put together including all the customer testing results. Together with your team and advisor you will conclude what needs to be improved.
  3. PRODUCT DESIGN: Together with the creative advisor you will decide on how to finally execute your product. Which third parties do you need to put together a final design team.
  4. PRODUCT PRESENTATION: Depending on the final concept or design, the advisor will advise on possible options how to present your product to the customer. This could be about product and interior styling.