Handpainted artistic one of a kind handbags for women who want something unique and different.

Published on 15 May 2021 at 20:55

Didn't you enjoy all the spectacular spring blossoms? In my blog, I tell the story behind my creations. Artistic handpainted handbags for women who want something unique. At the same time, you will learn something about flowers and architecture of an admired street in Amsterdam. The 'Lady Hacquart Camelia🌺 handbag' is yet sold out. But the 'Lady Hacquart Magnolia handbag' is just fresh online in our webshop by the moment we posted this blog...

One of the best secrets of Amsterdam appear in early spring, various blossom trees proudly appear in this lovely quiet, wide, leafy street. Such as Cherry blossoms, beautiful Magnolia trees and Camellia bushes. In full bloom richly filled with flowers these trees stand to show off their blossoms. Those pink and white blossoms contrast beautifully with the black and white tiles of the monumental houses. 

The Hacquartstreet in the lovelly district of Amsterdam Oud Zuid, attracts anyway every year architectural enthusiasts who photograph the national monuments, because of the esteemed architecture of the houses done by architect F.A. Warners, build in 1922-1924. The façades are made of grey stucco. Erkers, tower and window strips are decorated with black and white tile patterns. In popular speech, the block is therefore also referred to as 'dice' houses. The style of these remarkable national monuments is an interesting mix of 'Amsterdamse School Stijl' (ladder windows, garden gates) and the austere international style of Frank Lloyd Wright. During the spring blossoms period, especially photogenic young people come to shoot an idyllic picture nexto a blossom tree in a lovely fresh spring outfit to post on their Instagram 

The beauty of this wonderful street was an inspiration for our unique hand-painted bags. The blossom trees and the black and white tiles have stimulated our creativity. One of the handpainted bags, ’Lady Hacquart Camelia🌺handbag',  was inspired by the richly filled camellias bushes with full fuchsia pink flowers... Camelia’s trees keep their green leaves in winter. Sometimes also in winter they have flowers. A very powerful pink flowered plant, that grows very fast even in the Netherlands. The camellia comes from the Far East and has 80 different varieties. The colors of the flowers vary from white to pink and purple and red. Most varieties flower for a long time from February to May. The Camellia japonica 'Lady Campbell', for example, has large, well-filled, bright red flowers. 

Now we can joyfully present you the 'Lady Hacquart Magnolia'. Inspired by a magnificiant Magnolia tree from the very same street the Hacquartstraat, with poppy white and soft pink flowers.


The magnolia tree has also very ancient origins and can be found in different parts of the world, from America to Asia. Magnolia trees have been on earth for millions of years, shown by what recent archaeological excavations in America have brought to light, that some fossil specimens date back to five million years ago. The magnolia owes its name to Pierre Magnol, a French physician and botanist who introduced the notion of family in botanical classification. Magnolia is a kind of plant belonging to the Magnoliaceae family, which includes over 80 arboreal and shrubby species. Native to North and Central America, magnolias can exceed 20 meters in height. The cup-shaped Magnolias have an alternate oval or elliptical leaves. Its flowers are large, showy, and white or pink in color with an intense fragrance. Until a few centuries ago, it was traditional to plant a magnolia in each flowerbed because it was believed that the plant brought much luck and economic stability to the inhabitants of the house that was close to it. Magnolia was introduced to Europe only in 1740 by a French merchant. Present on earth for millions of years it symbolizes strength, longevity, and purity. In the language of flowers and plants, the magnolia takes on two different meanings based on the color of the flower. White: perseverance, purity, dignity, determination, modesty. Pink: shyness, innocence, joy, sensitivity

Eva Anna paints these bags in her atelier in Amsterdam. On the VanAlles instagram account you can see more of the creation proces....

In folk medicine, the flowers and bark resin, being rich in vitamins and minerals, were often used to soothe rheumatic problems, while the buds of magnolia officinalis were used as anti-inflammatories. In traditional Chinese medicine, magnolia bark, known as “houpu o hou po” is used to treat rheumatic problems, diarrhea, cough, asthma, and menopause symptoms. It contains two phenolic compounds, magnolol and onochiol, which, in addition to being an effective anti inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant agents, constitute a valid aid in reducing the states associated with psychophysical stress (anxiety, panic, and insomnia). Magnolia essential oil is used to find love for yourself and to relax. We can spread it when we feel the need to quell emotional confusion and make balanced decisions. Even today, its petals are considered talismans useful to protect couples and increase passion. According to tradition, putting a handful of dry magnolia leaves under the mattress guarantees a happy marriage.

We could talk for a long time about this impressive flower tree. In centuries-old Asian stories and myths, it symbolises purity, innocence and femininity, among other things, and has many different species. For now, we may have aroused your enthusiasm that these bags are carefully handpainted with a flower tree with a deeper meaning, which stands in yet another very unique street in Amsterdam. With this Magnolia bag you carry a story of thoughtful inspiration with you.

In the Hacquartstraat. Even the typography of the house number plates incorporates the 'Amsterdamse School stijl.' As well as in the streamlined black and white garden gates.

Read more about the architecture of this street HERE.

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