Complete Design Sprint, 'Think like a Designer'


Read more about this Creative Design Sprint, 'Think Like a Designer,

written by experienced designer, Eva Anna Hekking. here.


Companies, brands or people who are looking for some creative refreshment or need creative support for their products or ideas, she can offer to join her design proces. She named this creative design sprint "Think Like A Designer." Which consists out of six steps:


  1. Intro, Question, Brainstorm & Filter.
  2. Target Group & Trend Research
  3. Goals & Concept Design
  4. Product Design & Prototyping
  5. Testing & Define
  6. Product Presentation & Styling.


  • The client can decide from which step they need my creative support. For example, they already have a product, they only need creative advise for the presentation, they step in at step 5. Or they only want to book a creative brainstorm session.


  • Every step is one work day. The client can decide if he wants to spread these 6 days over several weeks or a maximum of three months. This because the product design, prototyping and testing phases sometimes need more space and time.


  • When working with a team, mostly Design Sprints work best if the complete needed team is together and motivated to make a difference.