The Creative Design Sprint:
'Think Like A Designer.'
With more than 15 years experience within the fashion, design and art industries, Eva Anna has developed herself into a creative professional. The combination of her professional creative experience as designer combined with her talent for quickly coming up with new ideas or creative concepts, made her decide to offer her expertises to companies who need some refreshment or creative advise. Therefore her creative advise and design agency provides support in the creative proces of concept and product design towards the final product presentation.
Eva Anna is known with the populair 'Design Thinking' and 'Design Sprint' methods frequently used nowadays by many consultancy and communication agencies. As an experienced designer she noticed that some aspects of these methods could be different. Inspired by these ‘Design Thinking’ methods combined with her own design knowledge, she assembled her own design trainings.
Companies, brands or people who are looking for some creative refreshment or need creative support for their products or ideas, she can offer to join her design proces. She named this creative design sprint "Think Like A Designer." Which consists out of six steps:
- Intro, Question, Brainstorm & Filter.
- Target Group & Trend Research
- Goals & Concept Design
- Product Design & Prototyping
- Testing & Define
- Product Presentation & Styling.
- The client can decide from which step they need my creative support. For example, they already have a product, they only need creative advise for the presentation, they step in at step 5. Or they only want to book a creative brainstorm session.
- Every step is one work day. The client can decide if he wants to spread these 6 days over several weeks or a maximum of three months. This because the product design, prototyping and testing phases sometimes need more space and time.
- When working with a team, mostly Design Sprints work best if the complete needed team is together and motivated to make a difference.
The complete design sprint "Think Like A Designer" is 4800€ but also can be ordered by the single steps.
Hop on my Creative Design Sprint Bus!
You or your team needs a creative session to get out of the box.
- INTRO: You have briefly indicated who you are, what your company does or what your product is about.
- QUESTION: Together with the creative advisor you will define the right question or problem definition that needs to be solved. Together with the team and advisor you choose a few themes or directions by voting.
- BRAINSTORM: To stimulate and initiate the creative thinking process, the advisor will offer several brainstorm sessions. You or your team will learn more about brainstorm techniques. Everyone is free to bring in as many wild ideas they want. After the brainstorm many new ideas will come out. In this session the advisor will indicate what are the best next steps to initiate the creative process.
- FILTER: Together you vote for the best ideas. We set goals for the creative solutions we found in this session, we would like to research in the next phases.
Put on your creative brainstorm glasses!
- TARGET GROUP: In this proces you will learn more about your client and the customer journey. The result possibly gives you new insights. The advisor collects all creative input. Together with the team is voted what are the focus points and goals.
- TREND RESEARCH: The creative advisor tells what trend research is about and will explain you or the team how you can do your own trend research. Several creative exercises are done. This research can influence or inspire their final ideas or concept outcome. The final results will be put together into a power point presentation by the Creative Advisor. Trend Reseach is pre-concept inspiration.
At which stop you need to hop on and off ?
- GOALS: All collected information and creative input can be put together, from ideas towards sketches, goals, trend info, etc. It will result into a conclusion how to decide on the final concept. Kick off of your design proces, final goals are set.
- FINAL CONCEPT : When clear goals and possible solution options are set, the advisor can start to work out the final design concept. The concept will presented in a visual p.p presentation. The advisor advises what would be the next best options to work out the concept.
- DESIGN PLAN: Together with the creative advisor will be decided which are the next steps to work out the final concept. For example which external third parties are needed to execute the design or concept. For example to put together a team.
- PRODUCT DESIGN: Together with the creative advisor you will decide on how to finally execute your product. Which third parties do you need to put together into a team to create your design or concept.
- PROTOTYPING: The creative advisor will learn you or your team several prototyping techniques how you can test your idea with some real users.
- TESTING: This morning you or your team will have prepared protoypes and a few real customers who join a 'prototype testing' session. Together with the advisor you decide on what's the best option for prototype testing.
- DEFINE: Once again all info will be put together including all the customer testing results. Together with your team and advisor you will conclude what needs to be improved. Third parties could be invited to join the creative proces. For example a manufactor, a material sourcer or a 3D sketchup drawer. Anyone you need to execute your design or concept. Possibly adjustments are made in this phase to your design or concept plan.
- The final concept for the product launch or presentation will be decided. We question “Where, What, Why, Who” we present the product? ( for example; is it a press launch? Or a showcase at a fair or a display presentation in a shop window or a showroom?)
- The creative advisor gives several options for ideas how to present your product.
- The advisor could work out a display design concept or a styling concept ( colour, materials, styling objects, visuals, etc.).
- We put together the best team execute the presention or launch of your product.
studio atelier VanAlles
Kvk nummer: 34287237
BTW nummer: 1916272239B01
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